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lebai motion control C interface
Clmc_all_joint_poses | Data structure to store all joint positions |
Clmc_all_sampled_joint_state | All sample joint state data |
Clmc_controller_cartesian_admittance_config | Cartesian admiitance controler config data struct |
Clmc_euler_zyx | Euler zyx representation of rotation |
Clmc_euler_zyz | Euler zyx representation of rotation |
Clmc_joint_cmd | Joint command data |
Clmc_joint_state | Joint state data |
Clmc_link_config | Overall parameter for a single link, |
Clmc_link_dh_config | DH parameter for a link |
Clmc_link_dyn_config | Dynamic parameter for a link |
Clmc_quaternion | Quaternion representation of rotation |
Clmc_robot_model_config | Overall parameters for a robot model |
Clmc_rpy | RPY representation of rotation |
Clmc_tg_config | Configuration data structure for trajectory generator |
Clmc_tg_limit | Limitation data structure for trajectory generator |
Clmc_tg_move_param | Trjecotry generator move parameter |
Clmc_tg_runtime_data | Trjecotry generator runtime data |
Clmc_tg_speed_param | Trjecotry generator speed parameter |
Clmc_tg_toward_param | Trjecotry generator toward parameter |
Clmc_tg_update_ret | Trjecotry generator update ret value |
Clmc_tool_payload | Tool payload data |
Clmc_transform | Transform representation |
Clmc_translation | Cartesian translation coordinate |
Clmc_twist | Transform velocity representation |
Clmc_wrench | Transform force representation |