lebai-motion-control  3.1.6
lebai motion control C interface
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 create_robot_model.hhCreate robot model function
 lmc.hDoxygen main page instruction, no source code
 lmc_config.hGlobal configuration macro
 lmc_controller.hController related functions
 lmc_dyn.hDynamic related functions
 lmc_joint.hJoint related data structure
 lmc_kin.hKinematic related functions
 lmc_math.hBasic math data structure definitions and functions
 lmc_robot_model.hRobot model related data structures and functions
 lmc_robot_model_config.hRobot model config related data structures
 lmc_tg.hTrajectory generator related data structures and functions
 lmc_tg_config.hTrajectory generator configuration data structure
 lmc_version.hJust version function