lebai-motion-control  3.1.6
lebai motion control C interface


This library is a optimize and rewrite of old lebai control algorithm library, which is not well designed:

  1. Mix everything into one single file.
  2. Conflict coding style.
  3. Wrong abstraction and bad interface design.
  4. Insufficiency of unit test.
  5. Lack of document.

The library interface is written in pure C.(Althrough The implementation parts is written in C++) The library provides functionality to do the core motion control of lebai robotics. For any other language(Rust, python), you can simply use language binding to call these function directly since C is mostly used and supported system language.

Look at overview to get an detailed overview of lebai-motion-control library.


Look at ChangeLog.

Start here

To starting compile and install this project, please look at 构建开发环境


Look at API usage examples.

All supported robot models

Look at all_supported_robot_models.

Link lib in rust project.

println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", "lebai_motion_control_overall");
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", "dir_path_to_your_lib")

Using SI unit system

All the code and APIs are using SI system.

Quantity Unit Name Synbol
Length Metre m
Mass Kilogram kg
Time Second s
Electric Current Ampere A
Thermodynamic Temerature Kelvin K
Luminous Intesity Candela cd
Amount of Substance Mole mol
Plane Angle Radian rad
Solid Angle Steradian sr
Velocity Metre/Second m/s
Angular Velocity Radian/Second rad/s
Froce Newton N(kg*m/s^2)
Moment of Force Newton Metre Nm